133 Common Internet Abbreviations You Should Know

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133 Common Internet Abbreviations You Should Know

Common Internet Abbreviations You Should Know

Abbreviations are no new things in modern communications. Man is always in search of what will make his life easy, and save his time.

As there are short cuts for so many things in life, so it is with writing. There is even a subject called short-hand! All these are tailored towards a single goal, and that is saving time.

In the world of the internet too, many short cuts and abbreviations have been formed and coined from words and sentences we are already familiar with, so as to save time.

In this treatise, I will share with you some 133 common Internet abbreviations that you should know.

Below are common Internet abbreviations:

1. POTD: Photo of the day

2. SFW: Safe for work

3. WCW: Woman crush Wednesday

4. TTYN: Talk to you never

5. TTYS: Talk to you soon

6. FTW: For the win

7. FOMO: Fear of missing out

8. TBH: To be honest

9. FML: F*ck my life

10. OOTD: Outfit of the day

11. IMO: In my opinion

12. STFU: Shut the f*ck up

13. MCM: Man crush Monday

14. SMH: Shaking my head

15. AMA: Ask me anything

16. YOLO: You only live once

17. IRL: In real life

18. HMU: Hit me up

19. ICYMI: In case you missed it

20. TBT: Throw back Thursday

21. FBO: Facebook official

22. NVM: Never mind

23. IDC: I don’t care

24. IKR: I know, right?

25. PTFO: Passed the f*ck out

26. BRB: Be right back

27. ILY: I love you

28. LMAO: Laughing my ass out

29. LOL: Laughing out loud

30. L8R: Later

31. NP: No problem

32. OMG: Oh my God

33. ROTFLMAO – Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off

34: TLC: Tender loving care

35. XOXO: Hugs and kisses

36. WYWH – Wish You Were Here

37. TTYL – Talk To You Later -or- Type To You Later

38. SWAK – Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss

39. GR8: Great

40. BFF – Best Friends Forever

41. AAF: As a friend

42. Leet/1337: Elite

43. AAMOF: As a matter of fact

44. ADN: Any day now

45. AFAIK: As far as I know

46. AFK: Away from keyboard

47. FTFY: Fixed that for you

48. ASL: Age, sex, location

49. DL: Down low

50. ATM: At the moment

51. AWOL: Absent without official leave

52. EOM: End of message

53. B4: Before

54. OYO: On your own

55. BBIAB: Be back in a bit

56. BBL: Be back later

57. BBS: Be back soon

58. BF: Boyfriend

59. BRB: Be right back

60. EOT: End of thread

61. CMIIW: Correct me if I'm wrong

62. CTN: Can't talk now

63. CYA: See you later

64. DAE: Does anyone else

65. FWIW: For what it's worth

66. GF: Girlfriend

65. Fixed that for you

66. GG: Great game
67. GJ: Good job
68. GL: Good luck
69. GMTA: Great minds think alike
70. GPOY: Gratuitous picture of you
71: GTG: Get to go
72: HOAS: Hold on a second
73: HTH: Hope this helps
74: IAC: In any case
75: IAMA: I am a
76: IIRC: If I remember correctly
77: ILY: I love you
78: IMHO: In my humble opinion
79: IRL: In real life
80: ITT: In this tread
81: ITYM: I think you mean
82: IYKWIM: If you know what I mean
83: JK Just kidding
84: JSYK: Just so you know
85: KOTC: Kiss on the cheek
86: LDR: Long distance relationship
87: KOTC: Kiss on the cheek
88: LMK: Let me know
87: LTNS: Long time, no see
88: MFW: My face (feels/feelings) when
89: MMB: Message me back
90:MOTD: Message of the day
91: MFTBWY: May the force be with you
92: MYOB: Mind your own business
93: NBD: No big deal
94: NM: Not much
95: NSFL: Not safe for life
96: NSFW: Not safe for work
97: NWS: Not work safe
98: OC: Original Content
99: OIC: Oh I see
100: OMG: Oh my God!
101. OMW: On my way
102. OP: Original poster/ Original post
103. OT: Off topic
104. OTOH: On the other hand
105. P2P: Peer to peer/ Pay to play
106. PPL: People
107. QT: Cutie
108. RBTL: Read between the lines
109. RTM: Read the manual/ restart the machine!
110. SF: Safe for work
111. SO: Significant other
112. TBH: To be honest
113. TFW: That feeling whenk
114. TG: That's great!
115. TIL: Today, I learned
116. TL; DL: Too long; didn't read
117. TMI: Too much information
118. TOS: Terms of service
119. TTYL: Talk to you later
120. TTYS: Talk to you soon
121. TY: Thank you
122. TYVM: Thank you so much
123. WB: Welcome back
124. WTB: Want to buy
125. WTS: Want to sell
127. WTT: Want to trade
128. WUG: What you got
129: YAGNI: You ain't gonna need it
130. YHBT: You have been trolled
131. YMMV. Your millage may vary
132. YTMND: You're the man now dawg (or dog)
133. YW: You're welcome

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