Using Cat & Less to View Files in Terminal (Shell)
Using Cat & Less to View Files in Terminal (Shell)
You can make use of the cat and less commands to view files in your terminal or shell.
Cat is short for concatenate or catenate. This command displays a long list of the files you wish to view, while the 'less' command shows you the list of files page by page. You can scroll to the next page using the arrow keys.
To use the cat command in your terminal, enter cat followed by the name of the file wish to view.
E.g.: cat bible.txt
For less command, use e.g.: less bible.txt
You may go back or do a search while the list of files are displayed.
To go back, use the letter 'b' to navigate back.
To search, use '/' followed by the word you wish to search for.
To quit the interface, use 'q'.
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