How To Set Alarm On Android

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How To Set Alarm On Android

How To Set Alarm On Android

Alarms help us in keeping to time and meeting up with schedules. 

Many cluttered activities on your timetable can make you forget about that important activity.

The sonorous sound of an alarm can also help to jerk you back from sleep to attend to that next important activity on your schedule or to-do list.

Since the early days of mobile phones, one form of alarm system or the other has always been built into them. Even the simplest mobile handset is not left without this facility.

As it is with iOS and other types of mobile devices, Android also has an alarm built into its devices.

But unfortunately, not everyone knows how to access this important tool in Android phones.

Although simple and small, alarms are powerful and their importance can not be underemphasized.

In this post, you'll learn exactly how to turn on and off the alarm system on Android devices.

Turning on and off alarm on Android is not as difficult as it seems.

Are you ready?

Now let's walk through the steps together:

Do you see the time displayed on your Android device?


We'll turn on the alarm from there.

If you can't see the time, it's probably because you are not on the home screen.

Navigate to the harm screen of your Android device and tap on the digital clock.

What do you see?


The clock interface opens and the alarm tab is automatically selected.

Good that's the first step to setting the Android alarm.

The alarm interface

Alternatively, you can tap on the clock icon on your Android device device within the launcher.

Now that you're on the clock interface with the alarm tab selected, simply click the '+' icon at bottom centre of your Android device screen.

This step automatically takes you to the alarm interface where you can set up the alarm time.

Setting up the alarm

Now set up the time by swiping on the displayed time at the bottom of the screen from left to right.

You can swipe from right to left or vice versa until you see the hour you want in bold, directly in front of you.

After setting up the hour, proceed to set up the minute also.

In the example above, I have set up the alarm for 6PM. 

I have also set it for other days of the week.

You can also set up the alarm for the same time on other days of the week.

To this, tap the corresponding letter for the day. The colour changes from black to blue.

As in the example above, I have also set it to ring on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Good! We are making progress!!

You may also want to add a tag to your alarm so you are able to different it from other alarms. 

You can add tag that reminds you what the alarm is all about such as 'Sports time', 'Time to cook', 'Reading hour', e.t.c.

You can choose to make your Android phone vibrate while the alarm is ringing.

To do this, toggle the switch to the right of 'Vibrate when ringing'.

Good we are almost done setting it up.

You can choose to set a different ringtone for your alarm.

If you do not wish to use the default alarm tone, tap 'Ringtone'. 

The current ringtone title is usually displayed to the right of ringtone.

As in the image above, the current ringtone is the default Android alarm tone set to 'Dawn'

Choosing a ringtone for your alarm

Now you can choose a custom ringtone. If you wish to use a tune or audio from your music gallery, click 'Add new' icon, then browse through your music gallery to choose your preferred alarm time.

When done, click 'Save'.


You did it. The alarm is added to your list of alarms, and it is automatically turned on.

At any point in time, you can turn it on or off from this interface.

You don't need to go through the set up process over again to access this alarm.

How do you see the set up process to configuring your first alarm on Android device?

If you encounter any challenges, you can leave it up in the comment box.

Also don't forget to share this post with others who may also find it helpful.

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